Greetings my mini people,remember my half done project?in my older post about my half done project,i wrote about the completion of the exterior of my Rover Mini Cooper lookalike project with the unfinished interior, im on my way on completing the interior.Just to update that long awaiting unfinish project I now have completed the floor by doing the carpeting myself.I've been all around enquiring prices for carpeting and most of them were asking around B$200-B$300 for it,and honestly i think its a bit too much for a small car,and i have seen the original product in UK which cost alot cheaper than that.After doing some studies on my other mini's carpet,i am confident that i can pull it on myself.I know its one of the simplest thing to do especially,coz im a diy freak,so i started looking for carpet with the rite texture,thanks to my sister who knows this place in Serusop that sells carpet by metre,and luck was on my side that day when i found the rite colour and material. 

As you can see the above picture i took the night before,when the floor was still bare metal,seriously i hate looking at it,so I bought about two meters of carpet which by the way only cost me B$20 something,not bad huh rather than paying B$300 for it.After two hours of measuring,cutting and tweaking its finally done,and I think I have done a very good job if I may say so myself....hahahahah.
The above pictures are the finished product of my good hands...hahahaha,its not the best but its okay for a non professional carpeteer...just need some cleaning.Now its carpeted its time to think of new upholsteries,which is the most important thing.Hopefully this whole interior thing will be done before my holiday ends.
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