
Hola people...,
I realised that my blog is one of the most f### up blog ever....hahahaha,but honestly i dont care,coz all i wanted to do here is to share my passion about minis.I have been telling and showing the world my collections of classic minis,from the most basic ones ive got to the fully pimp out mini...since i think my blog is totally f### up so why shud i go for the real thing only,its playing time now,oh ya...i think i also should share my other type of mini collections....well here are some pics that everyone can enjoy,
This is my first mini ever and it is literaly mini coz its is small,no engine no colour,but its my first thats why i still keep it.
And this is the best mini in my other collections,can you tell its not real...hahahaha
This is a woody van,this is quite rare in brunei,i know a friend who own the same model in brunei...
Now this is the ultimate mini for me,u cant find this in brunei at all as you will need a business permit to own it and it cannot be use as private vehicle...but trust me i will have one in brunei one day...
And offcourse all these are just my dream collection,i know i have it now but in a very small scale,like i day one day one day.....and trust me one day one day one day....enough oredi mate....