Hello everyone,
Firstly I would like to welcome all of you to my humble blog about my passion for classic mini,we all know that the classic mini in Brunei is a rarity,and my intention to create this blog is to let people know that there is such a thing as a mini owners club in brunei,Sadly it is still not fully established due to the lack of communication among members.With this reason I would like to use this to help all the mini enthusiast in Brunei,and also to introduce the classic mini to those people who would like to know more about this unique piece of engineering.
As a small club,we only do gathering once in a while,including me there are three of us who goes out in a mini convoy for almost every
day or night,because I live in the uk,i didnt get to join all those big convoys,so whenever im in brunei we will have our own little gathering,our leader Mr. Najib Mohammad is our super mini headed friend,you can trust him in doing all those mini fixing stuff you can think of,from engine modification to bodyworks,he owns five minis including the one and only mini turbo era in Brunei,then a mini mayfair auto,mini 1000auto,mini convertible and a mini clubman estate,how lucky.Together we both run this thing to help brunei mini,he do the fixing and i do the spare parts ordering.

Then theres me,since I live in the UK,Im in charge in spareparts orders,from tiny bits to all the big ones like body shell and all that,but remember to in the money first before you do so,i own two minis so far,a red auto mini sprite which is in UK,and another auto mini mayfair which is the one in green,I love them both as equal though,now you may notice that both my minis are automatic,thats because i feel comfortable driving auto minis then manual,its not because i cant drive manual,but im thinking of getting a manual mini as my next project. 

my mni UK my mini Brunei
Then theres my cousin,Ahmad Izzat Zaimi his name is,another mini nutty known to me,he currently own a mini 1000 mk3,its chrome silver n have no backseats,hahaha,but its still looks nice with its bodykit,surely its not an old banger,i love his wheels the most though,its a japanese wheel but it fits right into his mini,well he still got plans to buy another one though,so hopefully its gona be soon.
He takes care of my mini when im not around,and thankfull for that.

Lastly but not the least is my other mini fan cousin MD Dzairenny Muslim,he's a lawlyer in bsp,he owns another mini 1000 which unfortunately i dont have the picture to show,hope he doesnt mind.
how do i get a mini from here (uk) to brunei? I want to buy one! am a crazed mini fan myself. Our first mini mayfair is green coloured but be changed it to maroon. the licence plate is 4342 and our present mini is a white striped mini cooper.. Thinking of getting a mini cabriolet here. to bring back home..
nice design on the brunei mini sticker, except for that bmw mini logo :P purely original minis only my fren...
how's life in the uk?
Btws, please visit my mini's website if u got the time, its got a for sale/trade section, restoration, complete event pictures, etc.
dont forget to sign the guestbook ya! Thanks!
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